Mary Woodward May Update

Greetings from Guelph, Ontario. I’m in Guelph until June 5. This will provide an opportunity for Jacob and Karen, other team members, and me to ponder and plan. I hope by my return to Seattle the next steps forward will be clear

So please pray for this clarity as I serve,

  • Renewing the relationships built last year through prayer groups, partner ministries (especially Celebrate Recovery) and the Missional Group. This last team – which includes John and Martha from Move In – focuses on the most vulnerable: how to present the gospel in their context, disciple them, and gather them in a “non-churchy” setting so they can grow spiritually and begin to integrate into the greater body of Christ.
  • Participating in all the prayer groups, some of which I’ve joined remotely from here (and even led).
  • Participating in Moms in Prayer weekly meetings. Jennifer, the Guelph leader, asked me to consider facilitating a Spanish speaking group.
  • Seeking the Lord with my teammates about next steps.
  • Observing firsthand what has changed since I was there last year, as well as meeting new people.

Thank you very much for your continuing prayers and financial support. After several lean months, donations were up in April. Please continue to pray about giving a special gift toward this trip and for continuing your monthly and one-time giving. Every little bit helps. 

I continue to connect with Spain and have found new avenues of ministry in Seattle, but I’ll wait to tell you when I return. I covet your prayers for this important trip. Pray that as I “wait upon the Lord” I will experience new strength and direction for the next step.

Mary Woodward

GIVING: or ACTION US, PO BOX 398, Mountlake Terrace WA 98024 marked for Mary Woodward (please specify if it’s for “regular support” or “set-up expenses” (initial costs));  

NEW ADDRESS:  710 124th St. SW, Apt. 74, Everett, WA 98204; US phone (206) 638 7226