Grace Presbyterian Church will always have a connection, a melancholy one, to August 15. On August 15, 2023, our church buildings were heavily damaged by fire. By God’s grace we are recovering and rebuilding. Fifteen years earlier, another Christian community suffered a much more devastating calamity. On August 15, 2007, a magnitude-8.0 earthquake struck Pisco, Peru, causing widespread damage and destruction. A year later Grace Church sent a large group of members and friends to Pisco to bring funds and assist with the rebuilding of several churches, including the Evangelical Church of Pisco, which had been destroyed in the earthquake. Grace Church sent a second group to Pisco in 2009 to assist with the ongoing work of rebuilding in Pisco. The team also brought school supplies for kids.
In the spring of 2023, Grace Church donated $6,000 from its missions funds to enable the Evangelical Church of Pisco to complete work on their third floor, which is used for after-school and weekend ministry to children and high school students. In December 2024 Grace Church donated an additional $1,500 from its missions funds to Evangelical Church so that they could conduct their VBS (They have summer when we have winter). They sent us the photos and videos of their VBS that you see below. We hope they bring you a moment of joy!