Words cannot express how grateful we are for your prayers and care. God has met us, through you His hands and feet, and also encouraged us in so many ways over the past few weeks… and also healed us! Thank you for joining with us in your prayers and now, thanksgiving!
Midyear Conference
The conference was a great balm to my body AND my soul! I’m so glad I went and I felt like a completely new person at the end of the week. Travel was smooth and uneventful, and my luggage arrived with me! (Simple things that felt huge!) I did wear Michael’s arm sling while I travelled, mostly to remind myself not to pick up my suitcase. It was a subtle sign to others that help is appreciated and to please not bump into me! 🙂
As soon as I left the airport in Spain, the sunshine and fresh air immediately lifted my spirits. The difference I instantly felt was actually almost shocking! And then the conference was designed in such a way that our international laborers would be able to meet with God in deep and meaningful ways… and I was so blessed by that as well! The theme was “REMEMBER” and each day focused on a different aspect of remember: remember your call, remember your God, etc. We ended the week by taking a stone from the centerpieces and making a personal “Stone of Remembrance” (Joshua 4:9).
Throughout the week, my co-worker Brian and I met with each staff one-on-one and also had team times. The interns in Albania have really been struggling with cross-cultural conflict and frustrations in ministry. More than one of them expressed to me that they didn’t know how badly they needed this conference for a renewed perspective and how grateful they were to be able to process with me. They also mentioned how significant it was to worship in English again!
Mission accomplished! Seriously, thank you for your part in making it possible for me to go care for our staff. This one week literally can make the difference between people staying on the field/staying on mission or not.
Quick Health Update
Michael: No more brace, no more crutches, no more cane!!! He has his last, we think, surgery follow-up tomorrow, Feb 19. He’s been enjoying practicing drums again and is dreaming of the day he can get out on the golf course!
Lisa: I saw the oncologist right after Spain (and before the flu hit our home!) to talk through various treatment options. I’ve been undergoing some tests (bone scan, blood work) to help me make an informed decision about which treatments would have the greatest benefits over risks.
Prayer Requests
- Wisdom regarding further treatment decisions for Lisa’s cancer
- Continued return to full functioning for Michael’s knee and shoulder
- Financial provision to cover the medical bills
- Wisdom in ministry for both of us—best use of time, energy for the many demands, renewed passion as we’re both quite worn-down and weary from the past few months
- Intimate times with the Lord, to feel His presence with us
Lisa Anderson for Michael & Lisa Anderson