Before the last flareup was extinguished, news of the fire at Grace Presbyterian Church had begun to spread across the country and around the world. People from all over sent donations to the rebuilding fund and notes of encouragement and remembrance. One such donation and note was from Eleanor Fujita, who now lives in Ohio. She gave us permission to quote from her letter and to use some of the photos that she sent in to accompany her donation.
Dear Rev. Currás,
I am writing to express my condolences and my personal sadness upon learning of the fire that destroyed your church. My late husband and I were married there the afternoon of December 24, 1973, by the assistant pastor, Rev. Hicks. My husband, Neil Shozo Fujita, was a friend of Rev. Hicks, as they had met at seminary, and the church graciously permitted us to be married there in the afternoon before their Christmas Eve candlelight service. [Neil] died on April 9, 2021, and somehow this means that the loss holds a special sadness for me.
My prayers are with you and the congregation as you make future plans.
God be with you,
Eleanor Fujita