April 30, 2023

Grace Presbyterian Church

Printable Bulletin

Connecting with people through Christ to serve the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the             community and the world around us.

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude I’m So Glad Trouble Don’t Last Alway Nathaniel Dett

Responsive Call to Worship           

Hymn Red 107*             “Christ Be My Leader”

Prayer for Illumination 

Scripture Lesson (In Unison) Acts 2:42-47

Time with Children

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession (In Unison)

Assurance of Pardon

Joyful Response to God’s Forgiveness

Red 519* “It Is Well with My Soul”

Passing of the Peace 

Scripture Lesson John 10:1-10

Message               Life in Abundance         The Rev. Robin Miller Currás

Hymn Red 522*       “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” 

Affirmation of Faith Psalm 23

Offertory Follow Me Nathaniel Dett

Doxology                                                               Lasst uns erfreuen

Prayer of Thanksgiving                         

Pastoral Prayers/The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn Red 330* “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want” 


Liturgy written by Teri McDowll Ott and Pastor Robin. 

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