Manse Renovation
The Manse renovation team has been busy getting quotes for work on heating, AC, flooring, and a first-floor powder room. The kitchen will have new appliances, refurbished cabinets, a new floor, new counters, and new light fixtures. The Manse is expected to be a sparkling modernized home when the work is done. We are getting near the time when final decisions will be made and contractors engaged. Members of Session on the team include Jackie Denk, Ed Phillips, Emily Rishel, and Kem Mackey. Other team members include Bob Roe, Yvonne Luengo, George and Jean Blomn, and Pastor Robin. All have contributed good ideas and helped with planning. If you are aware of any needs for Manse renovation work, now is the time to let us know.

Big Smile Tulips Are Up!

This past fall the Garden Club of Montclair donated 100 “Big Smile tulips” to Grace Church in memory of Sharon Karlson. Pastor Robin and Jean Blomn planted them in November and they have started to emerge. We pray they will bring a big smile to your face as you come to Grace this spring.

Watch this space for updates on other improvements to the building and grounds.