February 28, 2021 Virtual Worship
Printable Bulletin Prelude Calvary Richard Billingham Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn I Want Jesus to Walk with Me I want Jesus to walk with me;I want Jesus to walk with me;all along my pilgrim…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Calvary Richard Billingham Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn I Want Jesus to Walk with Me I want Jesus to walk with me;I want Jesus to walk with me;all along my pilgrim…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Pass me not, O gentle Savior Dale Wood Welcome And Opening Prayer One: God meets us in the night— All: Before the sun rises,Before the wound heals,Before there are answers,Before there…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Welcome And Opening Prayer Statement on Lent Individual Confession Genesis 3, various verses from 8-19 They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on St. Denio J. Bert Carlson Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Christ Upon the Mountain Peak Christ upon the mountain peakstands alone in glory blazing;let us, if we dare…
Printable Bulletin Prelude When’ Christ’s Appearing was made Known David Sedio Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Be Still my Soul Be still, my soul! the Lord is on your side:bear patiently the cross…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Houston Wayne L. Wold Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Songs of Thankfulness and Praise Songs of thankfulness and praise,Jesus, Lord, to you we raise,once revealed, when…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Prelude on Repton Robert Powell Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Will You Come and Follow Me Will You Come And Follow MeIf I But Call Your Name?Will You Go Where…
Printable Bulletin Prelude I’ve just come from the fountain Richard Billingham Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Precious Lord, Take my Hand Precious Lord, take my handLead me on, let me standI am tired,…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Noël Nouvelet Richard Hudson Welcome And Opening Prayer Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for your light has come.Behold the glory of the Lord. Alleluia! Hymn…
Grace Presbyterian Church
153 Grove Street
Montclair, New Jersey 07042