Dear Friends of Children,
What difference has knowing Jesus made in your life? I’ve had the blessing of knowing the Savior since childhood. Although I can barely recall my earthly father (he died when I was three years old), I’ve known my Heavenly Father since I trusted him as a 5-year-old. I memorized many of His promises during my youth and learned to trust Him with the small challenges of life. When I had back surgery as a teen, my church family rallied to support me. As I’ve made every major life decision, I’ve known to seek His wisdom. In times of loss and confusion, He has been my Comforter. He has been my everyday Sustainer and Provider. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like without a relationship with God through Jesus.
This fall, volunteers will go to where the kids are, in their schools and communities, to share the life-transforming hope of Jesus with boys and girls. They will invite the children to know the One who will never leave them nor forsake them and Who will be their Helper. For many, a CEF® Good News Club® will be the first place they hear about Who Jesus is, what He has done for them, and how they can know Him.
As more schools reopen to outside organizations, we must be there to proclaim the truth of God’s Word to hungry hearts. We’re working hard to move each of our existing Good News Clubs back to in-person meetings. We also have teams ready to start at least three NEW Good News Clubs this fall and several other churches and leaders who are prayerfully working to put volunteer teams together.
It’s vital that we reach boys and girls with the Good News of Jesus as soon as possible. They live in a world that distorts the truth and does not even acknowledge the reality of a loving God who desires a relationship with them. Children learn the truth about God and His Word in Good News Club. They develop caring friendships with adults who will answer their questions about God by opening their Bibles and with other children who also know Jesus and want to live for Him.
Expanding our outreach to more children and more schools requires additional funds. We need to find, screen, and train more volunteers, provide additional certificates of insurance, and purchase additional curricula, Bibles, devotional books, tracts, take-home papers, and other materials for more children. We estimate it costs $1,500 or more per Good News Club to provide these materials, but the investment in the lives of boys and girls is worth every dollar.
Will YOU help us take the Good News of Jesus to boys and girls who need to hear the truth about God’s love?Will you please commit to praying for this ministry? We know that the Gospel advances on the prayers of God’s people.
Would you consider a generous gift to take the Gospel to boys and girls through Good News Club? This FALL, we need $4,500 to help fund these new clubs. Your donation right now will allow us to cover these costs. You can click the link below to give or mail a check to CEF, P.O. Box 3271, Wayne, NJ 07474-3271. We so appreciate your support through your prayers and gifts.
For the children,
Twyla Pellegrino
Local Director
Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Jersey, North Jersey Chapter
P.O. Box 3271, Wayne, NJ 07474-3271973.265.4447 • www.cefnorthjersey.org • director@cefnorthjersey.org