Tratra ny taona! Happy New Year from Madagascar! We are so grateful to all of you at Grace PC for your faithful support over the years. For over 25 years, we have been serving with the FJKM (Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar), PC(USA)’s partner church. In 2021, FJKM set out an impressive 4-year plan during its General Assembly. It is based on the belief that the Gospel transforms lives and that the church should be a transformative agent in society living out Christ’s call. The FJKM sees this work as its “Hazakazaka Masina” or “Holy Race.” The Holy Race involves sharing the Gospel, strengthening families, standing up for justice, promoting education, protecting the environment, working for better health and development for all, and promoting good governance. FJKM’s Holy Race resonates well with Grace PC’s mission statement: “Connecting with people through Christ to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our community and the world around us.”

Here’s a glimpse of what the FJKM is doing through its health and fruit tree and environmental ministries. As part of FJKM’s Holy Race in caring for the environment, FJKM is calling on churches, synods, and branches to hold reforestation events. January and February are very busy. The Fruits, Vegetables, and Environmental Education (FVEE) Program provides trees and technical advice for many of the FJKM entities as they do reforestation events. On January 28th, the FJKM will have its national reforestation day, and FVEE will provide seedlings, logistical, and technical support. In 2023, even though it rained the whole day, the FJKM President, Secretary General, and Head of the Church Department were there with over 40 other people. Over 7,500 seedlings were planted. The FVEE also does many trainings for rural farmers: teaching them to graft and giving them some of the world’s best fruit tree varieties. The FVEE also supports the FJKM as it plants trees at schools and churches.

The FJKM is committed to helping people care for their health. The FJKM National AIDS and Epidemics committee helps train seminary students and others to understand how to share health messages about major illnesses. They also offer free health screenings and vaccinations at major church events. They offer HIV testing, blood pressure screening, diabetes screening, COVID vaccinations, and other routine vaccinations. The FJKM development department has rural dispensaries in 30 sites offering quality primary health care.

Thank you for supporting us and the FJKM in its Holy Race to spread the Gospel and meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the people of Madagascar. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
In Christ,
Dan and Elizabeth Turk