Do You Want To Hold a Grace Rummage Sale This Fall?

The Deacons have held many really excellent rummage sales at the church. With lots of help, good planning, and lots of hard work, they successfully  raised money for many good church programs and missions. The Deacons have it down to nearly a science. 

Estonian Rummage Sale” by moon angel licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

We hope we can do a rummage sale again this fall, but we have a much smaller pool of Deacons and volunteer help now. So, we need to change the method in which we hold the sale.

We need a core group of about six volunteers to plan all the logistical details, sign up Grace members who want to sell, contact other churches and community groups, get a Township permit, and do publicity. I know we have retail experts in the church who can do this. Are you one of them, and can you help?

If you are interested in being part of the planning committee, contact Bob Roe ( or click this link to complete a brief form. God willing, we will have a successful rummage sale and be able to donate the proceeds to MESH.