The Friends of Grace is a group of individuals from the Grace Church family who are concerned about the needs of Montclair’s housing- and food-insecure residents. Currently they are hosting sit-down meals at Grace Church on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Participation varies; around twenty to twenty-five individuals come for the meal and stay for some companionship and conversation. Not much more needs to be said about how the Friends of Grace are meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the community, but please read on . . .
The Friends of Grace have also installed a Little Free Pantry on the Grove Street side of our church building. It is stocked from time to time with nonperishable groceries for people to take as they have needs. The need must be significant; the Little Free Pantry empties out almost as soon as it is filled.
Not content to rest on their laurels, Friends of Grace has also begun a “Comfort Creatures” program. The idea came via Kem Mackey, who heard about the initiative during his travels. New, small stuffed animals are given to local ambulance squads. The creatures, in turn, are used to comfort injured and ailing children and sometimes adults who are being transported to hospitals.

Check the Friday email messages from Grace Church each week to see how you can provide for the needs of the community through the ministry of the Friends of Grace.