Grace upon Grace is a quarterly publication of Grace Presbyterian Church in Montclair, New Jersey. The aim of this publication is to encourage, edify, and challenge the members and friends of Grace Presbyterian Church in their efforts to connect with people through Christ to serve the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the community and the world around us. We share with one another out of the fullness that we have received in Christ, so most of the words and images that you see in these pages come from the Grace Church family.
Whether you are new to Grace Presbyterian Church or you have been a member for decades, you are welcome to comment on what you see here. The Communications team at Grace will read your comment and respond if you ask us to. You can contact us by sending email to clerk@gracemontclair.org. As we plan each issue we will solicit contributions from the Grace community by placing notices in our church’s weekly email communique, which comes out each Friday afternoon.
When you finish reading and viewing everything in Grace upon Grace, we invite you to explore the Grace website. Click on the Grace Church logo in the upper left corner of any screen to be taken back to the home page.
Read Our Past Issues
- Stories of Grace
- Grace upon Grace Fall 2024: Sabbath Rest and Summer Memories
- Grace upon Grace Spring 2024: Celebrating Gospel Music
- Grace upon Grace Winter 2023–2024: Missions from Montclair to Madagascar
- Grace upon Grace Fall 2023: Praying Through Change
- Grace upon Grace Summer 2023: Our Mission
- Grace upon Grace Spring 2023: Kindness
- Grace upon Grace Fall 2022: Storytelling
- Grace upon Grace Spring 2022: Sorrow and Loss
- Grace upon Grace Advent 2021: Journey
- Grace upon Grace Fall 2020: A Time for Everything
- Grace upon Grace Summer 2021: Open Doors
- Grace upon Grace Spring 2021: Rising
- Grace upon Grace Advent 2020: Waiting in Hope
- Grace upon Grace Fall 2020
- Grace upon Grace Summer 2020

The Communications Team of Grace Presbyterian Church publishes Grace upon Grace. Gwen Leggett designed the logo and provides additional graphic arts expertise. Danielle Campisi consults on website technology. Members at large include Liz Moulthrop, Emily Rishel, and Pat Walsh. Unless otherwise noted, all content is ©2023 by Grace Presbyterian Church.
Thank you for stopping by! You have blessed us with your visit. We trust you, in turn, will be blessed by what you see in these pages.