This summer Grace Church received a special offering for two Paterson-based organizations, Eva’s Village and Oasis, which have been providing extraordinary services to vulnerable populations hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Elder Elizabeth Moulthrop brought these organizations and their needs to the attention of Grace’s ACT team. The ACT team acted, and the Grace Church community gave $7,000. Thank you to all who prayed and donated! An additional $10,000 for these two organizations came from the Frank and Helen Hunger Memorial Fund.
On Monday, September 21, Elder Moulthrop and Pastoral Associate Margo Walter visited Eva’s Village and Oasis to deliver checks for the proceeds of this offering.
Eva’s Village provides 300–400 to-go meals and other items each day to community members who are experiencing homelessness or food insecurity. The organization is also caring for over 200 community members in halfway houses or shelters. Visit their site to get the complete story on their work in Paterson.Liz and Margo met with Marie Caliendo, Director of Philanthropy for Eva’s Village.Oasis has been providing to-go meals and bags of shelf-stable food to low-income families each day during the pandemic. Their primary work is providing educational and social service programs to women and children in the Paterson area. Visit their site to learn all about their work in Paterson.Liz and Margo met with Jennifer Brady, Executive Director of Oasis.