Be Still and Know That I Am God

“Be Still and Know that I am God. Be Still and Know that I am. Be Still and Know. Be Still. Be.” When I worked at a summer camp, a chaplain shared this mantra with me. We used it to begin prayer. For me, prayer was always a way to upload my thoughts to God. But it never helped me hear from God. I heard from God in the quiet times of hikes or long car rides.

About three years ago, a podcast that I listened to introduced me to the idea of meditation. Remembering that those times of hearing God happened in quiet times, I began a meditation practice. It has changed my life. There are countless scientific benefits of meditation, from reducing stress and controlling anxiety to promoting emotional health and generating kindness. But mostly, it allows for us to be open to what God has to say to US.

So how do you start? Cynthia Bourgeault, in her amazing book Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, says that “it’s very, very simple. You sit, either in a chair or on a prayer stool or mat, and allow your heart to open toward that invisible but always present Origin of all that exists.” Simple, right? I started with guided meditations, which will help you through the process. Charlotte and I (yes kids can meditate too) made one for you to start with. Peace be with you.

Nick Wallwork, May 2020