Sunday School
After a successful children’s church program in the summer, the GROW team restarted Grace’s Sunday School on Kickoff Sunday in September, offering outdoor lessons on the manse property for children ages four through nine. Attendance has been encouraging, with some families who are new to Grace coming week after week. A Christmas Pageant and a Live Nativity are planned for Sunday, December 19, and you won’t want to miss that! Watch “This Week at Grace” for full details.
The GROW team is looking for volunteers to help build the children’s ministries at Grace. There’s even talk of Vacation Bible School this coming summer. Contact Heather Kennedy if you believe God is calling you to this essential ministry.

Seasoned with Grace

Seasoned with Grace held a Christmas Luncheon at the home of Lauren Meyer in Cedar Grove on Thursday, December 9. This was the first meeting of Seasoned with Grace since the Ash Wednesday lunch in February, 2020. Watch “This Week at Grace” for details of future Seasoned with Grace events!

Women’s Fellowship
Grace Church is grateful to Pastoral Associate Margo Walter for continuing to minister to the women of Grace throughout the time of Grace’s closure and especially since the church reopened. A dedicated group of women have been meeting on Zoom, and more recently both on Zoom and at Pastor Margo’s home, to discuss books and support one another with prayer and friendship. As Pastor Margo steps down from her staff responsibilities, the group will have a brief hiatus. Pastor Robin will reconvene the fellowship in 2022. Watch “This Week at Grace” for more information.

Men’s Fellowship

We’re looking for a few good men. Even just one or two will suffice, to plan and hold a Men’s Fellowship event. It can be as simple as a breakfast prayer meeting at a local diner, or a movie and discussion night in the Fellowship Hall, COVID restrictions permitting. If you are interested in helping get this off the ground, contact Pastor Robin or Pat Walsh.