Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

World Changers

Our department is composed of multiple talented people that have chosen to be world changers as missionaries with InterVarsity. Many of us have decided to invest in the new generation of Latino college students.

But I must brag on one of my colleagues, Julie. Julie received a Master’s degree in Social Entrepreneurship and Change at Peperdine University, and her capstone project, ClearPlate Technology, won first place at a business pitch event in April. She is actively applying accelerators to see this concept become a reality. The business would provide an anonymous platform for restaurant workers to review their working conditions and incentivizes restauranteurs to provide humane working conditions. Julie not only wants to invest in college students but also wants to invest in our Latino community.

Another world changer I want to share about is Sam Ocasio. I met Sam as a student at William Paterson University in NJ. Sam longs to see students transformed and for the university to be a place where students experience God’s presence. These past few years, he was serving as an adjunct professor at Felician College while he served as a volunteer for the InterVarsity chapter at Bergen Community College. But this August, Sam will begin a doctorate program in sociology with a certificate in Latin American, the Caribbean, and Latino studies at SUNY Albany. I am excited to see how God will continue to use Sam to impact the Latinos in the university.

Words seem inadequate to convey my gratitude for your prayers and financial gifts. Your partnership transforms lives and enables me to serve students full-time.

Our mailing address is:
31 Woodland Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110