We want to provide our next pastor with an attractive, comfortable, and up-to-date home. With that goal in mind, the Session has approved a plan and a budget for renovation of the manse. The Manse Renovation Team presented details of the renovation and the plans for financing it to the congregation on Sunday, February 26. We praise God that over half of the needed funding has already been donated or promised, and the Session has approved beginning work on several key phases!

Because it is a part of the renovation that will touch every room in the house, work will also commence soon on installing central air conditioning and upgrading the electric service to accommodate this addition. Later phases will include removal of wallpaper, repair and painting of walls and trim, replacement of carpeting and repair and buffing of hardwood floors, and replacement of some windows.
Grace Church is grateful to Jackie Denk, Bob Roe, and George Blomn for all of their work in assessing the renovation needs, contacting contractors, and communicating the details of this important project to the Session and to the congregation. Please keep them and the contractors they will be hiring in your prayers as they move forward to seek the necessary approvals and building permits.
The Session and the Manse Renovation Team are also asking the congregation to help with the remaining funding. If you are able to make a contribution, simply write a check and write “manse renovation” on the memo line and the envelope, or go to gracemontclair.org/give and select “Manse Renovation” in the pull-down menu labeled “To:”