Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic MESH has continued to serve housing- and food-insecure individuals in Montclair. However, because of restrictions on large gatherings, MESH was unable to hold its annual in-person fundraising event. The organization is seeking cash donations and in-kind donations:
- To make a cash donation, visit the MESH website:
- MESH is also in need of hats, scarves, gloves and men’s socks. Please drop off these donations in the box in the Sanctuary entrance nearest to the church office door.
- On Saturday, January 30, Grace Presbyterian Church will provide to-go meals for MESH guests. An appetizer and dinner, preferably a hot meal, will be needed. A volunteer has already promised to provide dessert. Drop-off time at the church is 3:00 p.m. during the shorter daylight hours. Check “This Week at Grace” in January for additional details.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the MESH ministry!