Grace has ministry, support, and fellowship groups for adults of all ages.
- Women’s Book Group
- Friends of Grace (hands-on missions opportunities)
- Seasoned with Grace (senior citizens fellowship)
- Caregivers Group
- Men’s Fellowship
- Bible Study
- Daily Devotional Discussion
- Amazin’ Grace Softball
- Choir
Women’s Book Group
Pastor Robin is hosting a Women’s Bible Study and a new study will be selected. We will gather at the manse at 2:30 p.m. To order the Bible Study, click on the title. This group will meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Newcomers welcome. Please join us!
Friends of Grace

The Friends of Grace was formed to help reduce food insecurity in our community and provide members of Montclair’s unhoused community with human connection that goes beyond just handing out grab-and-go meals. We host monthly community meals in the Parish House of Saint John’s Episcopal Church.
We recently installed this Little Free Pantry on the church property as part of this ministry. It looks like this—empty—much of the time because it’s very popular!
Seasoned with Grace
If you consider yourself a senior citizen, you are welcome to Seasoned with Grace. Our spring luncheon will be held on June 6!

Caregivers Group

You may be caring for a parent, spouse, or other family member who can no longer care for themselves. But who cares for you? Find camaraderie and support with others facing challenges similar to yours on the first Wednesday of each month, 10:30–11:30 a.m., at Union Congregational.
Men’s Fellowship
Our Men’s Fellowship currently meets for breakfast at St John’s Episcopal church 55 Montclair Avenue at 8:00 a.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The breakfast is always good, and so is the conversation.

Bible Study
Elder Norma Prescott leads a biweekly Bible study group in a deep dive into the early books of the Old Testament. Join us at 10:00 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in the learning center at Union Congregational Church, 176 Cooper Avenue, Upper Montclair.

Daily Devotional Discussion

We offer daily devotional discussions using Our Daily Bread by video Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. Go to Or join by phone at (617) 675-4444 and enter the PIN 758 394 859 6697#.
Amazin’ Grace Softball
The Amazin’ Grace Softball team will once again venture onto the playing field starting on the last Monday of April. All games will be played at various fields in Parsippany. Games are played on Monday evenings. Grace finished in second place in the Fellowship Church League last year in an exciting championship game against Christian Faith Center of Bloomfield. So if you are a ball player and want to play with the Amazins, contact Manager Rich Thomas at or Bob Roe at


Our choir, led by Music Director David Malyszko, sings a varied repertoire that features classical and Gospel anthems. We rehearse on Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Chapel of Union Congregational.
Want more information? Call (973.744.2565) or email ( the Grace Presbyterian Church, then come and be a part of our welcoming community!