Sunday School and VBS
Our Sunday School children will be joining us in the sanctuary on Palm Sunday, to hand out palms and do a reading at the beginning of the service. Be sure to send your kids to Sunday School in the weeks before Palm Sunday (April 10), so that they know what to expect.
Everyone tell your friends, neighbors, and grandkids that we will be restarting our in-person Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday on the Grace Church lawn at 9 a.m.
The GROW team is looking for a volunteer to coordinate Vacation Bible School this coming summer. Contact Heather Kennedy if you believe God is calling you to this essential ministry.

Daily Devotionals
Join other Grace Church folks in an online discussion of the day’s devotional reading from Our Daily Bread every weekday at 9:00 a.m.
Bible Study

Elder Norma Prescott is leading a Bible Study on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Grace Church Fellowship Hall. The study begins at the beginning with Genesis: Myth, Legend and Prehistory. Those of you participating, please bring your own coffee and be prepared to take your own notes.
Women’s Fellowship
Pastor Robin continues to lead a discussion of What My Grandmothers Taught Me, based on the genealogy of Jesus included in Matthew’s Gospel. This group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom, alternating with Norma Prescott’s in-person Bible Study. Contact the church office ( or visit the church calendar for more details.

Camp Johnsonburg Social Justice Summit

Rising ninth graders through graduating seniors from Grace Church are invited to join other concerned teens from New Jersey and beyond for a four-day gathering July 24 through 27 at Camp Johnsonburg. The Presbytery of Northeast New Jersey and the Synod of the Northeast are underwriting most of the cost; each attendee will pay only $95.00.
Seasoned with Grace
Seasoned with Grace is planning a spring gathering in May or June. Watch for an announcement in the Friday email messages.