Please Help Support Our Missionaries
As you may know, financial support for our missionaries does not come from the General Fund, but must be raised separately. Contributions have dropped by 50 percent compared to last year. We are so grateful to our congregation for their generosity during these difficult times. Please continue to be in prayer for Grace Church as we face new challenges ahead. Your financial gifts are a blessing. Act Ministry Team
MESH Continues to Keep Its Doors Open
After the opening of the Fellowship Hall on March 6, 2021, Grace and its partners continued serving guests each week until June 5. We continued to follow COVID safety procedures by wearing masks, preparing individual take-away meals, and social distancing. Those guests who chose to eat in were limited to 12–14 diners on-site at any given time. The MESH volunteers will be at Christ Church on June 12, before the summer break. As mentioned in the March Grace Upon Grace, the MESH program did not take the summer off last year despite the church being closed. Together with partners from The Presbyterian Church of Upper Montclair, Christ Church, and the Glen Ridge Girls Club, the team assembled boxed meals in the Grace kitchen and distributed them in the Salvation Army parking lot until Grace reopened the Fellowship Hall. Prior to 2020, it had been typical for MESH to take the summer break as other local services are offered to our guests at that time. The MESH volunteers from Grace (Joan DeJong, Irene Rottenberg, Len Smith, and Kem Mackey) will meet mid-June to discuss the issues and options to proceed, come September. Kem Mackey