Deacon and Witness
The Bible teaches that God never leaves his people without a witness. We learn from that witness and go out to be witnesses. We share God’s love. Grace Church had a beautiful witness in Peter Hebberd.
Romans 12:15 says “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” When Peter was born, how Grace Church rejoiced! I remember peering at him through a glass in the hospital nursery, marveling at the adorable red headed newborn. I remember barbecues and soccer games with his family as he developed into a winsome, appealing child. What a delight to watch him thrive and grow! Peter was a full participant in our Sunday School and children’s programs.
Then came the questions. Why was he falling asleep in his first grade class? Why did he have trouble concentrating? What was going on? After multiple doctor visits, misdiagnoses, and many tests, we received difficult news. Our 6-year-old Peter, our delightful boy, had a brain tumor. Now it was time to weep. We wept. We prayed… and prayed… and prayed. Then came the days of frightening surgeries and demanding recoveries. We prayed. We begged God for healing. We wanted him healed, but God wanted him to be our witness. The Holy Spirit came down and made his temple in the broken body of a scared little boy. In Peter Hebberd the Holy Spirit walked among us.
Through the daily carrying of his cross, he witnessed to us. He witnessed to us for eleven challenging years. His persistent desire to serve touched many a heart. We watched him singing in the youth choir and eventually assisting with it; we watched him reach out to the elderly to help them; we watched him as he proudly joined the Board of Deacons. He engaged with everyone he met. Peter served and loved and stored up a treasure in heaven.

Peter taught us to the day he died. Jesus, on his way to his crucifixion, cried out to the weeping women: “Weep not for me, daughters of Jerusalem, but for yourselves and for your children!” (Luke 23:8) We need not weep for Peter, but we have much to learn from his witness, and much to teach our children.
Simeon told Mary that, while her child would be great, a sword would pierce her own soul. God called Peter home and a sword pierced our souls. We wept; we rejoiced. We thanked God for choosing to dwell among us. Peter has left us his example of service to our community and to the world around us.
© 2023 by Pamela Leggett