Restoring a roof on the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall is now the major focus of the rebuilding process as we enter the fall. Contractors have removed all of the original slate tiles. Many of the tiles will be cleaned up, trimmed, and resold. Tarps now cover the exposed sheathing.

Meanwhile, work continues on reinforcing the trusses that were damaged by the fire but that have been deemed salvageable.

Timbers that will become part of the new roof structure and that will be visible from the interior are being stained and stored on site.

Other lumber, which may be used for roof sheathing, is also currently on site.

New building materials are arriving all the time. This shipment of looong boards arrived just as this issue was going to press. Wonder where they are going?

Architect Tony Argibay and his team have also provided drawings of possible layouts for the sanctuary space, and Session and the EXALT (worship life) team have viewed them and responded with questions and some choices. EXALT is also researching seating options.
Exciting things are happening!
Thanks be to God for the Insurance and Rebuilding Team—Tony, Dusty, Sam, Denarra, Pastor Robin, and Alison—who have been directing this process on behalf of Grace Church. Thanks be to God also for the talented craftspeople who are doing the work of rebuilding. Please pray for all of them! Watch the Friday emails from the church office and social media for additional updates on rebuilding progress.