Pastoral Search Update
The Pastoral Nominating Committee has reviewed scores of profiles from potential candidates for the next pastor of Grace Church and interviewed a number of promising individuals. To maintain confidentiality and to avoid starting rumors and fueling speculation, we can’t say much more than that for now. Please continue to pray for Ellen, Yvonne, Emily, Heather, Denarra, Liz, and Pat as they work to discern God’s leading in this process. Pray for our next pastor, that both they and we will have a clear sense of God’s will.
Manse Renovation
As we have been moving toward calling a new pastor, we have been renovating and updating the manse so that the new pastor will have a comfortable, up-to-date home to move into. All of the major renovation work on the manse is complete. Some small projects remain on the inside and outside, but the staff and Manse Renovation Team are confident that it will be ready to welcome that individual. Thanks be to God for Yvonne, Jackie, Alison, and Bob for many months of managing this big undertaking (and sometimes doing the work themselves, as you can see in these photos).

Speak with Bob Roe if you would like a tour of the interior. You will see quite a transformation!