The highlight of the year so far has been the Christmas Pageant, presented in the sanctuary on December 18 and streamed live. We learned from the parents of two of the participants that the pageant video (available here) was viewed by family members in Scotland. Praise God for the technology that enables these blessings.

Currently our Sunday School welcomes students age four through fourth grade. The students hear a children’s sermon from Pastor Robin in the sanctuary, then they retire to their classroom for their lesson. Lessons this year have featured the Christmas story, of course (including the Magi), Moses and the wandering in the wilderness, the Ten Commandments, the Tabernacle, Stones of Remembrance, and the story of Ruth. Extra-biblical lessons include ringing the church’s bell on communion Sundays.
With the addition of several volunteers, we are able to offer more age-appropriate instruction for fourth and fifth graders. We are looking to offer lessons for middle schoolers in the near future.
Do you want to help our Sunday School teachers tell the Gospel story, especially to older children? Contact Heather Kennedy, Pastor Robin, Yvonne Luengo, or Jody Walsh.