Celebrating Partnerships in Water, Health, and Education
Dan and Elizabeth Turk
Mission co-workers serving in Madagascar

Dear friends,
Greetings from Madagascar!
This has been a busy time with two visitors from PC(USA): Rev. Dr. Thomas Herwig from First Presbyterian Church in Tuscaloosa and Jim McGill, PC(USA) mission co-worker who specializes in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Thomas is a professor at the University of Alabama and spent three weeks teaching FJKM seminary students and doctoral students. The FJKM greatly appreciated his time here.
At the invitation of the FJKM, Jim spent about two months meeting with FJKM, private sector, and government sector WASH actors. He also visited and assessed many FJKM sites including a trip with Dan to southern Madagascar. Access to water is a major problem in southern Madagascar. Only four of FJKM’s 17 schools in the south have water. The estimated cost of a water catchment system is $3000 per school. Another big need is to get water and improved hygiene and sanitation for FJKM’s Ivato seminary with an estimated cost of $10,000. Jim’s time here resulted in the first steps of a national FJKM WASH committee that will help coordinate water, sanitation, and hygiene work in the FJKM and propose goals for FJKM entities like seminaries and churches. Another result of Jim’s visit is the start of a pilot menstrual hygiene program for girls at two FJKM schools. Jim McGill’s visit is a wonderful example of PC(USA) partnership – sharing expertise and exploring together with partners ways to build on the partners’ existing expertise to help partners accomplish their goals. Those interested in partnering with the FJKM to meet water and sanitation needs are most welcome.
This August, all FJKM’s pastors and spouses came together in Mahajanga (western Madagascar) for a time of fellowship and learning. It was a wonderful time to meet up with pastors from across the island and learn what they are doing. We will be sharing some of their inspirational stories in future newsletters. The FJKM AIDS Committee offered free HIV testing in addition to COVID vaccinations as well as blood pressure and diabetes screening.
In September, Elizabeth was able to see first-hand how FJKM’s education programs are making a difference. She accompanied Mrs. Domoina Rakotondranaivo, Head of FJKM School Department, and FJKM school representatives to southern Madagascar to attend a school building dedication at Tsihombe and to visit schools in the area. The first school visited was FJKM’s school at Soatsifa where they met up with Fulgence Mandigne. Fulgence graduated from FJKM’s Teacher Training College as a teacher in 2023 and has returned to teach where he once went to school. Zina Rasoavololomanantena, Fulgence’s wife, is also a teacher at Soatsifa. This year, Fulgence will become principal when Marc Ranarianirina retires. Marc and his wife Elisabeth Razanalivao retire this year after teaching at Soatsifa for 30 years. Marc and Elisabeth came to Soatsifa in 1994 on a trip led by FJKM’s Head of Evangelism, Jean D’Elinivo, and Bill Warlick (Elizabeth Turk’s father). Despite the poverty and challenging circumstances,100% of the students at Soatsifa pass their government tests.
In late July, six of the student teachers from southern Madagascar studying at FJKM’s Teacher Training College graduated! They are now teaching in the south. At Tsihombe, Elizabeth was able to meet up with three of the recent graduates: Laia, Lovasoa, and Franck. The FJKM school at Tsihombe has consistently had the highest scores on government tests in the district. The school keeps growing and adding classes to accommodate the demand. The dedication of the new school building built with funds from Presbyterians was a joyous occasion. At the dedication, government officials who came asked that the school continue to expand so that it can eventually become a high school.
It was a great joy to see fruits of Presbyterian collaboration in education in southern Madagascar. Thank you to all who are helping with the special teacher training program (there will be 11 students in the program this year) and to those who have contributed in other ways to help FJKM change children’s lives in southern Madagascar. Your prayers are greatly appreciated for the students and new teachers (and returning teachers too) as they start the new school year.
We deeply appreciate all those who support the ministries of the FJKM as it seeks to be salt and light in Madagascar. Life is difficult for many. PC(USA) is helping FJKM as it reaches out to people bringing hope and reminding people of God’s love. Thank you so much for your faithful support of us and the FJKM. May the Lord bless and multiply the fruits of all our labor.
Peace in Christ,
Elizabeth and Dan