When we are children, our job for nine or ten months every year is to go to school to learn as much as we can, and children generally work hard and do a good job. In summer children often take a break from classroom learning to continue learning through free play, family trips and outings, and camp experiences. On the first few Sundays of the new school year we will ask our Sunday School children to create artwork to represent what they did on summer vacation and describe to their teachers what they did.

In Puerto Rico we took a ferry to the third and first most beautiful beaches.
In Puerto Rico I went to the beach with my family (Abuela, Mom, Abuelo, and six cousins from Texas) and we saw lots of fish in the water. There was a platform you could swim to and jump off and the hotel had a big pool.

Sophia and Joshua

I saw beautiful rainbows in Hawaii.
We saw Arya, a real dog, in Hawaii and I got a stuffed one that looks just like it [the real one]. The real Arya belongs to my Grandma’s niece.