It is a feature of our language that words used to refer to groups of people, such as church and club, are also used to refer to the buildings where those people meet. Grace Presbyterian Church is no different. The phrase refers to a congregation of believers in Jesus who follow the Presbyterian tradition and to the beautiful structure where we meet.
Having a classic sanctuary, fellowship room, and education building complex provides us with a space where we can live out our mission to the community. We gather for spiritual nourishment in a space where we are surrounded by the Gospel in pictures and in flesh and blood. We pass the Gospel story on to our children and our neighbors’ children in and around these buildings. Through individuals and organizations we support financially, we send that Gospel story to the corners of the globe. We encourage and console one another in times of joy and in times of grief. Sometimes our bodies are also fed, and sometimes we provide meals for our neighbors.
The original part of our building is nearly 100 years old. It has served us well and continues to do so, but sometimes things fall apart. Heating pipes spring leaks (with alarming frequency); stucco cracks, paint fades and peels, tree branches grow where they shouldn’t. Signposts rot away. We praise God for many individuals, Werner Heck in particular, who manage Grace Church’s physical space and keep it in good condition. We praise God for generous donations from the Grace Church family that allow us to do the needed repairs and improvements so that we can continue living out that mission.