May 9, 2021 Virtual Worship
Printable Bulletin Welcome And Opening Prayer Opening Moment of Quiet Scripture Reading – Lectio Devina John 15:9-17 CEB “As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Remain in…
Printable Bulletin Welcome And Opening Prayer Opening Moment of Quiet Scripture Reading – Lectio Devina John 15:9-17 CEB “As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Remain in…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Windsor Healey Willan Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Shall we gather at the river Shall we gather at the river,where bright…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on St. Columba Eugene Englert Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn When Morning Gilds the Skies When morning gilds the skies,my heart awaking…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Berglund Mark Sedio Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn I want Jesus to walk with me I want Jesus to walk with…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Gaudeamus pariter Robert Buckley Farlee Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn There is a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in this Place There’s a…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Christ the Lord is risen today Robert Powell Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Christ the Lord Is Risen Today! Christ the Lord is…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Ellacombe J. Wayne Kerr Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn All Glory Laud and Honor All glory, laud and honorto thee, Redeemer,…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Voluntary on Aberystwyth Gerald Near Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn O Jesus, I Have Promised O Jesus, I have promisedto serve thee to the end;be thou forever near me,my Master and…
Printable Bulletin Prelude Christ, the Life of all the Living Flor Peeters Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn Tell Me the Story of…
Printable Bulletin Prelude O We Poor Sinners Helmut Walcha Welcome And Opening Prayer Hymn How Lovely, Lord, how Lovely How Lovely, Lord, how lovely is your abiding place;my soul is longing, fainting, to feast…
Grace Presbyterian Church
153 Grove Street
Montclair, New Jersey 07042