Monthly Prayer Update
Our goal is to pray for children to come to know Jesus as their Savior and grow in their faith as they are discipled through CEF locally, and encourage people to pray for all ministries and activities of The Chapter, depending on God for spiritual resultsand seeing Him glorified in different aspects of the ministry.
Pray for the Existing Good News Clubs:
- Praise God that the children who attended the Haledon Christmas party are being invited to attend any of the three Zoom Clubs. To date, five children have been registered. Please pray that the parents who agree to sign up their children follow through with their decision, and that the new children enjoy Club and continue attending.
- The Oradell Club is currently meeting in a large room with a lot of other children where the noise level is high. Please pray that the workers will be able to teach and reach the children under these circumstances or that a quiet location can be found for them.
- The request to send home a flyer to the parents of the children in the Pequannock after-care program was denied. Please pray that more children will join the Club.
- For the children to understand that God never breaks His promises.
- For saved children to witness to their unsaved friends how Jesús can change their lives just like He has changed theirs.
- That all the children in club learn to worship and praise God with their actions.
- As the children learn about God to understand He made them with a purpose and has a plan for their lives.
- For children to do their Quiet Time papers and spend time with God each day.
- For the Bible lessons to have an impact on the kids’ lives and futures.
- For parents and teachers to see a difference in their attitudes.
- For good health and safety for all the workers.
- For the children who attended a Christmas party club to go to church and grow in their relationship with God and learn about His unconditional love for them.
Health Concerns
- Praise God that Martha Brown’s wrist is completely healed.
- Rich Stover started radiation and chemo. Please pray for his speech therapy for talking and eating.
Ongoing Prayer Requests
- Ask the Lord to call men and women to serve on the North Jersey Chapter committee.
- Please pray for salvation of the children in your own municipality.
- Pray that the Lord would provide financial resources to not only maintain, but to grow the ministry.
- Please pray for Twyla as she directs the local work.
- Pray that God would lead us to His chosen worker to serve as the new Assistant Local Director for Greater Paterson.
- Please pray for the State Board to be given wisdom regarding the property.
- Pray for wisdom for the International Board in updating policies and procedures to make them stronger.
- Pray for God’s leading in finding a president to replace Reese Kauffman.
May God bless you and protect you. We so appreciate your prayers.
Yudelki Nunez-Rosario for the Prayer Subcommittee
Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Jersey, North Jersey Chapter
P.O. Box 3271, Wayne, NJ 07474-3271