Mission Among College Students and World Changers

I have the joy and privilege of ministering with college students since 1991 through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Our vision is to see students respond to the Gospel’s invitation to follow Jesus as Savior and Lord, to grow in love for God, God’s Word, and God’s people and purposes around the world. I started out as campus staff, entirely new to what it meant to lay down one’s life for the sake of the calling to college student ministry. Over the years, as I have changed roles within InterVarsity, I have come to realize that ministry can start simply and can start small, but it can grow into a giant community of influence. I offer the following stories as an example of how God can begin with something so small, like the curiosity of a college student, and grow it into something that beautifully influences the world, from Montclair to Madagascar. 

The Lord took Nick’s curiosity and flourished it into a deep faith that impacts his family and the kids he teaches through his job as an English as a Second Language teacher. Nick writes, “During my undergrad years, I had heard about something called InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I had just started reading the Bible regularly. One day, I was sitting in the cafeteria with some friends, and two people walked to our table to say hello to one of my friends. He introduced me to them and said they were a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I excitedly introduced myself and asked to join. I thoroughly loved this group and got exactly what I wanted – I was coming closer to God. It was like falling in love. I also enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people from different denominational backgrounds, and I still have amazing friends from this group to this day. 

“One day our staff minister, Joanne, asked me if I had ever accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I didn’t quite understand what that meant, but I knew that I wanted it with all my heart. Joanne began to explain what that meant and led me in a prayer of accepting Christ.  It wasn’t long after that I understood the depth of Jesus dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead for me. InterVarsity indeed played an integral role in my relationship with Jesus.” 

As the seasons change, our invitation as followers of Jesus to share the transforming truth of Christ remains. Students and staff are learning new ways of sharing the Gospel in these changing times. I direct, develop, and empower staff who are finding ways to share the Gospel that can speak to the trauma and emotional pain that many of our students carry. Over the last year, I have seen hundreds of students, more than the years during the Covid shutdown, give their lives to Jesus at student conferences or through one on one prayers with staff. These students come with emotional pain, wondering if there is a God who cares to listen and can possibly heal. They encounter the only God who can heal forever. This is a powerful and beautiful thing to see as a campus minister. 

Lastly, the power of mission, however small it starts, is the power to multiply. Last year, a student bible study leader was getting concerned that her bible study would end once she graduated. Natalia was being coached and discipled by one of our InterVarsity staff. After prayer and listening, Natalia realized that she could disciple and start training one of the younger students, Jalyse. The physical provision of a bible study on campus is crucial for students who want to grow in their walk with Christ and as a witness of God’s love to the campus. Jalyse accepted the invitation to take up the call of leadership and once Natalia graduated, the bible study was able to continue under Jalyse’s leadership, continuing the ministry of presence on that campus. 

This and many stories like it help me realize that the Lord can use anyone willing, however young on their journey or however mature, and call them into mission. The world is ever changing with ever growing challenges, but God continues to be at work among us and is transforming our college students for His Glory and Purposes. If you would like to hear more, please let me know. 

In Christ, 

Joanne Acevedo
Associate Ministry Director – LaFe