Star Words: An Epiphany Season Spiritual Practice

Kristine Stroble, pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church in Youngstown, Ohio, continues writing about Star Words (

One woman in my congregation received JOY last year. Her middle name is JOY. She admits, though, that she had lost her JOY, forgotten how to live with JOY. The star word reminded her throughout the year about the gift of JOY in all circumstances of life; a JOY that comes from the simple affirmation that we belong to God. Another member received COURAGE. She was in the midst of cancer treatments when this word was given to her. She took that paper star with her to every doctor appointment. She kept the word by her side as she entered hospice care and as she passed from this life to the next.

After worship this Epiphany Sunday, we had coffee hour. I stood in the corner and listened to some of the conversations. Almost every table was talking about the star words – how their word influenced their previous year and what new word they had just received. I stood there and marveled at God’s spirit working through paper stars. Like the magi, these words allow us all to go home by another road, our eyes opened to God’s presence in and around us.

And as for this year, my new word is PATIENCE. God only knows what’s in store for me with this one!

Read Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 and pray that the Spirit will highlight a powerful word for you, like justice, righteousness, prosperity, defend, needy, endure, showers, flourish, peace, tribute, gifts, service, helper, redeem, or precious.